
Disclosure according to § 25 Media Act


OEJHV - Austrian Youth Hostel Association (Österreichischer Jugendherbergsverband)
Head Office

Zelinkagasse 12 (U2/U4 Schottenring)
1010 Wien
Phone & Fax : +43 1 / 533 53 53

Nonprofit organization
ZVR 814122455
UID: ATU45525506

Bank details:
Membership account: IBAN: AT30 2011 1827 2033 9400, BIC GIBAATWW
Business account: IBAN: AT03 2011 1827 2033 9401, BIC GIBAATWW

Activity area: organization, promotion of youth hostel system, representation of interests and information, advice and support to individual members of national youth hostel organizations at home and abroad.

Direction of the site (Editorial): To promote the objectives of the activity area.

CEO: Christoph Sammer

Board / President:

LH Dr. Peter KaiserPresident
Michael RaunigVice President, Managing President
Helmut GotthartsleitnerVice President
Mag. Michael RovinaVice President
Andreas KollrossVice President
Sumit KumarVice President
Philipp OvszenikVice President
Franz Molterer MASTreasurer
Christoph SammerCEO
Markus WutscherSupervision


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With regard to the technical characteristics of the Internet, no guarantee can be given for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information made available on the Internet. There is no guarantee for the availability or the operation of this website and its contents.

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Any further use, in particular the storage in databases, duplication and any form of commercial use as well as the transfer to third parties - even in parts or in revised form - without the consent of the respective organization is prohibited. Any integration of individual pages of our offer into external frames is only permitted after prior approval by us.

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Concept, design and implementation: Christoph Sammer
Powered by:, Vantage Theme (SiteOrigin)

© 2018 - Österreichischer Jugendherbergsverband
